Dr. Angela Patterson

Dr. Angela Patterson

Dr. Angela Patterson is a writer and communicator with 20 years of experience in journalism, marketing, public relations and corporate communications. A former newspaper reporter, Angela transitioned into corporate communications, working at Fortune 500 companies in the automotive space before moving into the nonprofit world. Currently, she serves as the head writer and editor at Springtide Research Institute, a sociological organization that studies the religious and spiritual lives of people under 25. Using her communications background, she also teaches organizational behavior and culture in the master’s program for Organization Development and Leadership at Fielding Graduate University. Angela earned a doctorate in media psychology from Fielding, where she studied how media and technology affect cultural institutions. Specifically, her research focuses on how digital media affects the spiritual development and wellbeing of young people and marginalized groups. Angela also holds a master’s degree in journalism from Indiana University Bloomington and a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Southern Mississippi. Find her on Instagram at @drangelapatterson.
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